舞龙舞狮 Dragon and Lion Dance

Dragon & Lion dance is an increasingly popular art form and is used not only for new year but also business openings, weddings, baby showers and other celebrations worldwide.​

Traditional Lion Dance is both synonymous with Chinese New Year and Chinese Kung Fu Schools, students of martial arts schools were called upon to show their martial prowess through the lion. The Lion dance is also and perhaps more importantly a spiritual act whereby the lion can bless the building/ person and bestow good luck and protection from negative energy and spirits. The blessing takes place when the lion eats the greens ( a symbol of luck and fortune) and takes the lai see (red Packet that contains lucky money). Following this the lion then spits out the greens to bring good luck and fortune on the person or buildingor business manager.

The dragons and lions are normally blessed by a Daoist ritual that takes place by a Daoist practitioner.​

Shifu Miaoxiao Sun has a serious and high standard Dragon & Lion dance team. The team is formed of committed and experienced Kungfu students bringing alive dragons and lions to any event. Hulutang also offers dragon & lion dance workshop programs for schools and business organization.